When is my membership active?
Memberships are active from April 1st, 2023 to March 31th, 2024.
How will I access member allocations, access early releases and make sure my discount is applied?
You will need to LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT ON THE WEBSITE whenever you want to process an allocation or make a purchase. This will ensure that you can see all items that are only visible to members and that your discount will be automatically applied to your cart. You can also access your order history and view the status of your orders when logged in on the site.
If you need help accessing your account, please reach out to us at syndicate@celladorales.com.
When will member allocations be released and how do I get my beer?
The 6 allocations (7 for Tier V) will be released throughout 2023, and 2024 as each beer is ready. When each allocation is ready, we will email you to let you know that it’s time to process your allocation and to let you know whether there are extra bottles or special glassware available for purchase. When you receive those emails, please log in to your account and “purchase” your allocation. You only need to purchase the item once. If you are a Tier A member for example, we will know to get you two bottles of the allocation. The cost of the item will be $0, but this will enter your allocation into our fulfillment system.
You’re welcome to purchase other beers or merch on the same transaction. Allocations will be available to process on the website for 30 days from the date of release. We take them down to avoid duplicate orders, but don’t worry. If you have not processed your allocations by that time, we will still be able to fulfill them manually.
When do I get my Syndicate merch?
We expect to have all merch ready for pick-up with the first beer allocation, likely around mid-April. The merch will be released as an allocation, meaning you’ll get an email when it’s available and should “purchase” that $0.00 item just like any other bottle allocation.
How do I get my beer?
- Pick Up at the Brewery – We always appreciate a heads up, especially if you’ve got a lot of beer waiting. You have 90 days from the date of your order to pick up your beer. 2023 Syndicate Members have until July 31, 2024, and 2024 Syndicate Members have until June 30, 2025.
- Shipping – Shipping is available in California. To have your beer shipped, you must purchase a shipping box or boxes. We ship Tuesday-Thursday for next-day delivery (Wednesday-Friday). For more info, visit our Shipping FAQ Page.
- Free Delivery – Orders over $75 qualify for free delivery in Los Angeles County. We make deliveries each Wednesday/Thursday, with an order cutoff of 5 PM Tuesday evening. Other pending orders or member allocations can be delivered along with a qualifying order.
How will I find out about public beer releases?
All members will get early access to public releases. You will receive an email when new items become available to members.
Am I guaranteed access to all beers?
We guarantee that members will get all of their allocations, so long as they’re picked up by the date below. Extra bottles, public releases and other items will be released on a first-come-first-served basis unless noted otherwise. That means that while you will get early access to Fleur de Masumoto, for example, if you do not make a purchase we will not have bottles reserved for you. When they’re sold out to the public, they’re sold out to members as well.
By when do I need to pick up my beer?
ALL MEMBER BOTTLES AND ANY OTHER OPEN ORDERS MUST BE PICKED UP BY June 30, 2025, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP. Any bottles or open orders not picked up by June 30, 2025 will be forfeited without refund.
If you are a 2023 member, please remember that your open orders and allocations must all be picked up by July 31, 2024!
Will there be events this year?
Absolutely! Stay tuned for invites and event info