Join us in Torrance Saturday, March 9 from 12:00 – 4:00 PM for a Syndicate Member Bottle share.
We will be catering Sandwiches from Wax Paper! If you would like a Sandwich provided, please have your orders in by 6PM Weds. 3/6. Order Here
How it Works:
- RSVP: All members are allowed to bring up to 2 guests. Please RSVP by replying to this email or directly to rob@celladorales.com
- PLEASE use Rideshare! We expect all attendees to practice rigorous safety and encourage the use of rideshare options when possible.
- Bring the appropriate amount of beer. Roughly bring the amount you would consider drinking yourself.
- Bring your own glass. We will have glasses available, but we encourage you to bring your own glassware when possible. You will be able to rinse/wash/dry your glass before leaving.
- First bottle share? No worries! We expect a very mellow time mingling and sharing some beers.
Have questions? Reach out, we will be happy to answer any questions you have before the event.***SYNDICATE MEMBERS ONLY***